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“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”

~ John Crosby

What I can offer:

  • I will commit my time, energy and attention to act as a resource and support. I will be available to you through in-person meetings, phone calls, texts, emails, etc. to ensure that our time together is fruitful. I will listen and believe in you, and I will utilize all my skill and experience in working with you.

  • I will assist in goal setting and clarification, helping you to set reasonable and attainable goals that will hone your skills as an emerging professional in the field. I will provide guidance throughout the mentorship to support you in meeting your goals.

  • I will provide honest and direct feedback, unbiased critiques and will suggest activities for improvement. I will assist in identifying areas of weaknesses and strengths and be honest and open during conversations.

  • I will challenge you to take risks. I will also assign activities and/or tasks as needed to help you achieve those goals, guide your strengths, and build your skill set.

  • I will give and receive feedback graciously, and will provide this mentoring service in as professional and unobtrusive manner as I can.

What I expect:

  • Communicate clearly about your areas of focus, needs, feelings and goals for this mentorship. Keep me apprised of your needs as they shift and transform through our work together.

  • Make arrangements, when necessary, with clients for observations or recordings of work. We will use these work samples to examine progress and analyze strengths and weaknesses. 

  • I need to understand your personal learning style, please be prepared to explain to me how I can work with you in a way that you will benefit the most.

  • Be receptive to honest and direct feedback, and attempt to incorporate that feedback in your work. Be willing to provide feedback to me. Keep an open mind about the process and participate in a professional manner.

  • Be committed to the mentoring process. Be prepared for weekly mentoring sessions – have specific issues identified to discuss, or work completed from previous sessions. Follow through with outside work assigned, be prepared for debriefing sessions with your thoughts about the work done.

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